I know it sounds corny, but you three individuals are my best friends.You keep me on my toes. Had it not been for you guys, I wouldn't know how to use a computer.I wouldn't have anyone to laugh at my jokes. I just love hanging out with you guys. You just make my heart smile.I enjoy 1 on 1 time as well as group time with you. It is so neat as a father to see each of your kids grow up into responsible adults. I am so happy to be part of your lives. This is something in the past that I have taken for granted , but recently I realized this is a privelege and not a given. As I grow older , I am starting to look in the rear view mirror as to what changes I still need to make in my life, and although there are many, I still enjoy the view.
Thank you kids for making me proud. I love you guys so much. No, I don't have some serious disease, I just wanted to put this out there. Please continue making a difference in this ugly world. God has your back, and so do I.
Daddy Steg
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