Thursday, September 25, 2008

Trying Times

It has been a tough 2 weeks. We had the winds(hurricane) that knocked out the power. It was actually welcomed. Life seems to slow down during these times.Trees were all over the place. Today I actually saw trees still leaning on 2 houses.
While driving thru intersections that became 4 way stops, people were surprisingly civil. Neighbors helped each other and actually talked to each other taking the time to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. The weather was cool(not anymore) and nights were good sleeping nights.
During times like this we often turn to God for answers. Why does it take times like this for a lot of individuals to just think about God? Ramp up your faith and go to God everyday, give it all to him and live with and thru him.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

To Smile or Not to Smile

As many of you already know, I don't have one of those smiley faces pasted on every time you see me. I often come off as the tough guy. I take a lot of heat at work because they think my game face is too serious.
Sorry about that. At home, I wear my game face too often. I am actually a very content person. I do tend to plan for the worst and hope for the best. That way I'm ready for any situation that arises.
I guess I should actually be smiling all the time. With a great family, kids, wife and job and church what else could I hope for that I haven't already been blessed with?
I'm just wondering

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last night , as I stumbled upstairs to go to bed, I made a pit stop in the bathroom to take a leak and brush my teeth. I tend to keep my eyes closed when I'm tired. While brushing my teeth, I started salivating like a rabid dog. I got scared. Turns out after throwing on the light , I buttered my toothbrush with a huge helping of preparation H.
My butt still itches but my teeth are squeeky clean. Nothing like the taste of petroleum. I can still taste it 12 hours later.
I think my gums schrunk up--they are real tight.
Just thought you'd like to know.
