2010 was a tough year for me personally.In January, Joel Michael Stegman was born as a 4th generation Stegman.Preceeded by great grandfather Don,grandpa Mark, and father Josh were all here to welcome into the family.He is destined to be a great family leader.What a great addition he is as the #2 grandchild. He's a great compliment to his sister Lydia.
In February , the clouds darkened as my father was found to have cancer in virtually every organ in his body. !0 years earlier, he was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and given 2-3 months to live. With a year of intense therapy, he extended his life 10 years(thru the grace of God).My sister and I cared for him in the hospital, at home in hospice and back in the hospital for the next 30 days.Not knowing where my dad was in his faith was agonizing.I was afraid to upset him. 2 days prior to death, The family gathered at his bedside and Zak sang worship songs as we all joined in.The last form of communication my dad made with us was a smile and a thumbs up to Zak as he played.This tore me up.I then felt that he saw and felt God(at least I hope so). He died 2 days later. I spent the next 2 months living with my mother and sister helping get mom back on her feet. Her health drastically declined but eventually was restored.
The month of June was spent with Lori. We went to Ichthus and served there with 20 teenagers from VCC. It was a great time with good music. It was great being around the younger kids and interacting with them,It was a great 4 days of camping.
Later that month, we did SOS, hosting 6 boys at our home for a week.Every day there were different outreaches that I helped facilitate.This is my favorite time of the year.Hearing Zak lead worship every day of this week is iceing on the cake.
Chloe, Krissy's dog joined the family.She will make a great playmate for ollie.
The month of july was spent cutting my mom's, our's and the in-laws lawns.I also babysat Ollie and Chloe while Krissy vacationed in Maine and had a seminar to attend for school.
In August Zak and CC went to Ireland on a business/vacation trip. They were gone 3 weeks and were missed by all.
In September, Zak and CC announced that a baby Wolfgang was on the way.#3 wow.
Started October with me and Jessie getting older. Me -55, Jessie-??.haha
We had our first and hopefully many more to come camping trip at 3 Trees. It was a great time hiking, campfires and s'mores.
November brought new employment to Josh. This was a very exciting time for all of us. (answered prayer). Krissy carved another notch in the tree with a birthday celebration.
Lori and I attended the Greenhills Lighting of the trees with Krissy. Ken Riley said he was looking for our annual video.
Wally(Lori's dad) joined us in our home to recover from a fall and the family managed to complete our 2010 christmas video before Zak and CC headed to Florida forn the holidays.
It has been a busy year for all. God has blesed us with good health and we thank him for that.I want to thank my family and friends for all the love and support given me this year.
As Lyd Says
Love You,Boingy
1 comment:
this made me weepy. gah. my fave part though is the "As Lyd says Love you BOINGY!" Joel and Lyd are the loves of my life! Soon to be Wolfie too!
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