I have an empty feeling in me that I just can't seem to shake.I am so used to people depending on me not just financially, physically, or emotionally. I had coworkers depend on me daily. My kids depended on me. My wife depended on me. It was a great feeling. It was what drove me. Now that the kids are grown and have houses of their own channges things. Now that my wife works full time while I continue to hunt for a job and is basically self sufficient changes things. I was kind of like a mailman for 32 years. I delivered daily. Now I feel kind of lost in the shuffle of life.
I'm not depressed, lonely or having a pity party, I'm just pointing out the shift my life has taken and me trying to adjust to it. Where do I go from here? I'm staying busy working around the house, reading the bible daily(I've recently resumed this), and working out regularly.
I just wonder how to get back in the swing of life and able to feel like I'm part of it. I am on the outside looking in. Somehow I need to get on the inside looking out. I need to get rid of this lost feeling. Its taken me 4 months to put this into words. Hopefully its my first step climbing out of this rut. Rainy days suck.
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