This is a repost from a couple years ago on my My Space blog. I had an encounter with a smoker today at work and it stirred up the same feelings as it did years ago. Here it is:
What is Burning?
That is the question I ask myself every time I walk out to my truck after exiting the building at work. The losers (smokers) are lined up,blocking the entrance,puffing away like there is no tomorrow. The smoke is so thick I practically go into a trance imagining Sitting Bull smoking the peace-pipe not letting me out of the teepee.
The people at my work take a 15 minute break every hour. They work 8 hours.(just assume they do). Say the average employee makes 40K per year. Thats right,30,000 to work and 10,000 to smoke. What is wrong with this picture? Does this make you sick or what?
I don't know why anyone would hire a smoker. Not only is he not productive 25% of the time, the entire company suffers. Yes,that means your raises,bonuses,healthcare costs, and sometimes friends are lost as a result.
So next time you pass a smoker, just think how destructive smoking is to our lives and environment.Maybe you'll almost get in a fight like I did today by knocking the next cigarrete you see out of some persons mouth.
No fight but a minor wrestling match. Later,I have to ice my shoulder.
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