I've been recently thinking about life and how things have changed since I grew up. The morals of our society have gone to h e double hockey stick. Clothes are way too revealing , tv is now soft porn, big houses and fancy cars are a must. The average family wouldn't be caught in the car that I grew up with, a huge station wagon. Today thats not cool. Kids don't play outside- they text each other or play video games. I am SHOCKED.
Wouldn't it be great to go back in the days where life was more simple. Maybe we could focus on the real reason we are here on earth. Not to keep up with the Jones' but to love the Lord , love each other and serve others. I'm shocked that I have been sucked into todays lifestyle of wasting time on computers, tv, gossiping, Cherishing material things and such.
I need and will focus the rest of my life on what really matters- Jesus, Family, and serving others. Put the 401K's, IRA's on Jesus back. He will take care of us.
No worries. He is always there for us and wouldn't put anything on us that he can't handle.
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