ATTENTION: This blog is not encouraged nor endorsed by any members of the Stegman family.It is strictly the opinion of the writer.
I am a supporter of spanking an unruly child. Let me point out the steps I take prior to the act. They are:
1. tell the child what they are doing wrong and ask them to stop.
2.tell the child the consequences that will happen if the behavior continues.
3.pull the child aside in private. No public humiliation. Explain to child why you are inforcing this discipline, tell them you love them, bend them over, and in a controlled manner let them have it. Tell them you love them and leave them alone to process.
4.Never strike in face, limbs. Buttocks is the target. To assure extra protection cover your kids back with you other arm to protect the kids kidneys.If the child jerks you will hit your arm instead of their back.
5.Make this a team effort with you spouse. If kids see disagreement on the punishment it will confuse the issue.
6.Always point out how you dislike and upset that the punishment is carried out.
7.After the spanking occurs, the punishment is over. Go back to normal activities.
8.You only dicipline your own child in this way! If you're having problems with another persons child return the child to the parents and express your concerns. Walk away. Your job is done .It is the Parents responsibility to discipline.Never forget this!
Why am I blogging about this? I saw some guy on tv telling how he never ever spanked his kids and thought it was a phase all kids go thru. Bullying, striking others, other acting out things that kids do are not phases. They are the beginning of bad habits that can lead to tragic results. Now this father is visiting his adult child in prison.
Nobody's perfect. These are just my thoughts. I cant believe I'm pushing the publish post button after commenting on this subject. This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
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