We are all prisoners to something. It could be an addiction,or stuck in a job that we don't like or can't afford to quit. Maybe we are deep in debt and don't know how to get out. Relationship problems, car problems, family problems are all examples that hold us as an individual prisoner. It seems to me that this situation is always intensified during this time of year. That bonus or raise doesn't come, natural gas prices raise, the car doesn't run well in cold weather, we can't skip buying Christmas presents, the stress of the season is almost unbearable to some. How do we and more importantly how will we deal with it depends on our faith.
Be patient with others this holiday season. Give grace. Be caring and helpful to everyone and be nice and understanding to family members. Keep you job for now and cut back on your spending.
Have Faith, God never puts anything on us that he can't handle.
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