Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last night , as I stumbled upstairs to go to bed, I made a pit stop in the bathroom to take a leak and brush my teeth. I tend to keep my eyes closed when I'm tired. While brushing my teeth, I started salivating like a rabid dog. I got scared. Turns out after throwing on the light , I buttered my toothbrush with a huge helping of preparation H.
My butt still itches but my teeth are squeeky clean. Nothing like the taste of petroleum. I can still taste it 12 hours later.
I think my gums schrunk up--they are real tight.
Just thought you'd like to know.



matthew milthaler said...

i once did that with diaper rash cream... very much the same results.


John Arns said...

Preparation H can make wrinkles disappear -- it really works.