Thursday, August 4, 2011

CD's- How are your Returns?

CD's, 401K's, and IRA's seem to consume much of my time lately. The returns I am getting are downright pitiful.Yet I continue to try to find a way to change their results. It's not going that well.Looking around , it appears that most people to be driven by the almighty dollar. I know,Iknow, we do need money to exist in this world, but after all it's just paper. I used to make a lot more money, had a bigger 401K account, but was I truely happy? I was consumed by making money, raising kids, college funds and vacation funds, reinvesting CD's on and on.Not that these are bad things, but I lost my true focus on life.
A better investment that always pays is Christ's love for us. No matter how bad the market is,his love and grace is always there. As we struggle to lead a christian life(our investment), we always get a good return(God's love and grace).
So rather than getting down and out with todays ugly world,I choose to strive to live a christian life and enjoying Christ's dividends.
I'm finally getting job nibbles and will follow where I am lead. I'll keep you posted
How are your returns on your Christ Deposits?

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