Busy,busy,busy. This more or less sums up my life since my last post.Her are some highlights:
1) Zak and CC closed on their house
2)Kris dog has learned the sit command--he also gained 5 lbs.
3)My body is finally clear of kidney stones after 3 surgeries.
4) Josh spends more time in Chicago than he does at home.
5)I now drive a truck rather than my bicycle or motorcycle.
6)I spend more time working at Zaks than I spend on my own.
7)The leaves are off the trees and now the lights from the new street in our backyard shine in my eyes when I watch tv.
8)Turkeyfest has come and gone.
9)Swine Flu is a real deal
10)Who Dey has become part of my everyday language.
11)I finished painting at my moms house after 8 months of delays.
On my day off today, I'm cleaning carpets, cutting grass, and raking leaves
Who Dey,
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