Yesterday morning during a routine gag session due to my week long cold, I decided to be seen. Since I was working way up in Westchester, I went to a Kroger Little Clinic and got antibiotics and pills for my cough. Went back to the job at lunch time and relaxed in my truck after eating my brown bag sandwich. I figured this was as good a time as any to take my antibiotic,and why not try out these cough pills. I popped one in my mouth and reached for my glass of water that I promptly spilled. I fumbled around looking for my water jug, keeping the pill stored under my tongue for good safekeeping. Found the water, quickly poured another glass, and my phone rang. It was my safety director so I promptly answered and said hold on a minute while I take my pill. I grabbed the water, took a big swig and started choking, the water went down wrong so I couldn't stop coughing, gagging trying to catch my breath while that stupid little pill stayed under my tongue the whole time. I finally took another drink and while swallowing the pill, it burst before I got it down. It burned a little and I started choking again so with my safety director yelling into her end of the phone are you all right, my tongue started swelling. I hung up the phone , scrambled to find the pill bottle and in big bold letters it read DO NOT CHEW OR CRUSH. I started to freak out because I could no longer talk or swallow. I drove 3 buildings south to the hospital, snorting and gagging tring to breathe throgh my mouth. I pulled in the emergency ot and screeched to aa halt running into the emergency room holding my throat and waving the pill bottle. The nurse working admitting ran to get the doctors. It seemed like everything was in slow motion. I remember looking directly into the eyes of 2 other patients and the were lokking at me terrified like i was going to puke on them or something. I just wanted to swallow. My tongue started loosening a little and I realized I had snot all over my face where I was struggling to breathe out of my nose. While I tried to clean my face, 2 doctors helped me to and emergency room where all of a sudden my tongue started returning to normal fairly quickly. The doctor looked relieved and just stood there watching me saying how about now. After 15 minutes of monitoring me, and explaining to me that I shouldn't chew the pills, he closed the curtain and said he wanted to observe me for another 1/2 hour.
Meanwhile, my sister who works there had 2 of her friends from finance and administration visit me since she was off that day. I talkede to her friends deassuring them that all was ok. When the last gal left the room, she left the curtain partly open. I noticed people from the nurse's ststion lookin in on me and overheard somebody say he must be a celebrity since I was getting the royal treatment,
Wow, were they disappointed. After I was dismissed and I threw open the curtain, they see me in my grubby construction clothes and boots. I just smiled and left.
I have never experienced that sort of panic, and for the record doc, I didn't chew the pill. Point taken, slow down and enjoy life. Don't let it pass you bye.
Now I need to eat lunch and get ready for the grandkids.Sorry to bore you nwith this, but I want to come back someday and read this again.